Master Licensee opportunity for Finland is available!

Create solutions

Become an MBE Entrepreneur

Start a new career where you're the boss. But know that you can count on the experience and worldwide reach of a network with over 1600 successful global locations to support you.

There’s a lot to like when it comes to taking advantage of MBE’s franchise opportunities in Finland. What do you imagine when it comes to your new business?

I like the idea of starting a new career where I’m in charge
Every entrepreneur who is part of the MBE network is their own boss. You have the MBE name and expertise behind you as you start your own business.

I like the idea of helping people solve their problems. Every day as an MBE franchisee sees business leaders and individuals with problems to solve walk through your doors. They need you to find the solution. Every day is different.

I like the idea of getting support whenever I need it. The franchise business model means you are your own boss. It also means you can call on support from MBE’s central team of experts at any time.

I like the idea of a type of business which doesn’t go out of style. MBE’s logistics, courier, printing and graphic design services are always in-demand. Businesses need these services all year round.

I like the idea of not having to start from scratch. MBE has successfully set up thousands of franchise locations around the world. We know what it takes to succeed – and we’ll guide you to get the best possible start.

I like the idea of my work having value. As an MBE franchisee, you are in charge of your own destiny. We all value each other’s success because we all succeed and rise together.

I like the idea of being part of an internationally-successful network. The more than 1600 MBE Business Centres are located in dozens of different countries and cultures worldwide. Wherever you are, MBE works.

If you want to let us know more about your professional profile, you can upload your CV. It will help us understand if your characteristics are in line with those of MBE entrepreneurs.

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